Pella Tulip Gospel Outreach: Exposure to Diverse Styles of Evangelism

There are many reasons why Christians should join us for another Pella Tulip Time Gospel Outreach in Pella, Iowa May 2-4, 2024. Some of those reasons are because believers learn how to share their faith in many different styles and types of evangelism that takes place at the festival. It is where a person new to the faith can find their niche and test the waters of different ways to fish for men, all in one location with many different leaders to choose from. Here are some of the different methods of evangelism that will be taking place at Pella Tulip Time in 2024.

Parade Evangelism

Sharing the gospel at a parade is great because most of them are family friendly and a relatively safe environment to bring the whole family along to do it as a group. But, where on earth can you get to do it up to six times over a three-day weekend? Nowhere that I know other than Pella Tulip Time. Twice each day, people line the streets to not only watch the parade, but to receive tracts from us.

Watch one of the event speakers, Tony Ramsek, teach you how easy and fun parade evangelism can be:

Tony Ramsek, formerly of Answers in Genesis

Prayer Station

Jon Neifert of Tulip Gospel Outreach is trying something a little different this year. Instead of the covered booth outside the church, we will be having a prayer station, complete with tracts and help to minister to those walking towards and away from the event.

In year’s past I’ve had many great conversations at the booth, where people stayed to talk about their beliefs and hear the gospel. It is a relaxed atmosphere away from distractions and noise of the crowds. The great thing about the booth is you get to sit down and not carry anything with you because all the tracts, Bibles, DVD’s and such were displayed neatly on the table. I hope the prayer station is a hit and we get to really engage unbelievers on a more personal level.

Watch the following video on how easy and effective prayer stations can be.

Tract Distribution

One of the ways to get the gospel message into the hands of as many people as possible is by tract distribution. This is basically standing in one spot and as people walk by, hand them a tract and say, “Did you get one of these?” Which can lead to a more fruitful one-on-one conversation.

Did you know what is the most difficult tract to give out? The very first one. That’s why many times I just hand a tract to the first person I see when I get out of the car, even before I am where I want to be. But tract distribution can get the gitters out right away as it gets you talking with every person you give one to. Check out what this looks like in the following video.

As you can see, it’s not always perfect and not everyone takes one. That’s ok. It is up to them if they want one. Don’t push it, but gently tell them to have a nice day and move on to the next person.

Sometimes if one person rejects a tract, the other people behind them will reject one too. If this happens, switch to a tract that clearly looks different and switch back after the rejecting group left. Sometimes using this tactic helps to change the minds of those not wanting one.

One-On-One Evangelism

Most of the witnessing that goes on at this event is one-on-one evangelism. This is sharing the gospel straight up with those we come in contact with on the street. Starting conversations can be easily done through tracts and tract distribution. Other ways of starting conversations is by talking about something in your shared space, commenting on their jewelry, t-shirt logo, tattoos, music that is playing, food they are eating, and so on.

Many times, at events like this, people are out of town and just wander in not knowing where to go. There will be many asking for directions, questions, and places to eat. While we give them information about the event, we can also use this time to share the gospel with them. The best part is that your Team Leader will be right by your side showing you how it’s done.

Check out the following video how using the Ten Commandments to share the gospel in a one-on-one conversation:

Picture-taking Evangelism

Picture-taking Evangelism (PTE) is one of the easiest ways to get into a conversation with a stranger during an event. Being introverted, I struggled for a long time witnessing at events like Pella Tulip Time. I was always nervous around large crowds, the noise bothered me, and had a hard time starting conversations. I was miserable. My prayers were answered one day when I was standing near the canal in the heart of Pella Tulip Time and someone asked me to take their picture. I gave them a tract afterwards, and then someone else wanted me to take one for them. Soon, I had a line, and it was the easiest thing I had ever done. Who said that evangelism had to be scary and hard?

If you want to learn more about this unique way of engaging and helping people, read the article at

This method was life-changing for our 2022 Featured Speaker, Dr. Robert Carter, who struggled trying to get into conversations. Here is his story:

Open Air Preaching

Two years ago, one of our team members, Brad Tower, preached open air a very well-done message that was featured on Living Waters television show, Season 8 of Way of the Master. This year, Neifert decided to expound on this idea and asked our featured speaker from last year, Dr. Anthony Silvestro, to teach a workshop on how to open air preach correctly and present a demonstration on how to do that.

If you have ever wanted to learn how to preach effectively on the street, come to this workshop on Friday; I will see you there. Hopefully, this can be a regular addition to the three-day event here at Tulip Time.

Consider joining us this year. We would love to have you!

Come and join us May 2-4, 2024 in Pella Tulip Time, to learn how to share your faith more effectively and preach the Word to the lost. Whether you are terrified to do it, or a seasoned veteran, we would love to have you. Click the link and remember to register on the button below the schedule, at:

Everyone has their own way of sharing the love of Christ and each style is unique. Do you have a specific unique style of evangelism? What is your favorite way to share the gospel? Add yours in the comments below; we would love to read them.

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