Recap: 2023 Marshalltown Holiday Stroll

November 18. 2023 marked the 31st Marshalltown Holiday Stroll which is the fourth year Paul and I have taken part together in sharing the gospel to those in his hometown. Last year was somewhat of a bust because of the weather. I have never been that cold in my life, and made the whole experience miserable. Most people did not dare venture into it except for the seeming handful of die-hards that went no matter what for the sake of tradition. This year totally made up for what we had lost, and boy was it spectacular!

My wife, Lisa, and I rolled into town at about 2:30pm to help Paul set up. By the time we got there he had already gotten all four carafes into the store and started processing the hot chocolate. Lisa and I took the table, lanterns, tracts, and such to the front. Paul decided to use one long thin table instead of two smaller ones from previous years. It was a good decision, which allowed us to have two chairs on the other side for people who wanted to really engage in conversation about Jesus. By the time we got done prepping for the crowds, it was 62 degrees and I was sweating! What a difference from the 14 degrees the previous year.

As time went on, people started showing up and before you realized, we had a massive gathering for the parade which started at 5:30 pm. We had crowds of people come to enter the store, get hot chocolate, tracts with candy and chat with us. In a matter of minutes, I was able to distribute all of the candy canes and Christmas Cash when the parade ended. By around 7:00 pm we poured the last remaining drops of hot chocolate and gave away the last pack of Ghirardelli chocolate with a gospel tract from Moments With the Book Paul and his wife Mary made, to a lucky child.

Several Conversations

As crowds dwindled down, we were able to have more one-on-one conversations with those who came to the booth with less distraction. One lady that came noticed the “What Time Is Purple” books and took one. She said her atheist-scientist friend is searching after a near-death experience while at work suffering a heart attack from a torn artery. She was brought back to life which the science in which she trusts cannot explain. I told her that is the purpose of the book, and read her an excerpt:

“Science is truly amazing, but understanding its inherent limitations is critically important if we’re depending on science alone to lead us to truth. Unfortunately, a lot of people trust science beyond its trustworthiness simply because they don’t realize there are questions science can’t answer. At least not ‘scientifically.'” (Hammond,5)

She started to tear up, which started a chain reaction with my wife and I. When you share Christ at events like this, you just never know who you are going to impact. Here a woman just coming to the Holiday Stroll, praying about how to share Jesus with her scientific friend, got the tools she needs. I gave her a copy for her and her friend along with bulletin inserts so that she can continue the conversation and prayerfully her friend will become a child of God. With the stickers I made that link to the Pens & Wrenches website, maybe I can help fulfill why we do this: restoring sinners and equipping saints.

Paul had a few conversations as well. A group of twenty-somethings came and he conversed with them. Several left mid-conversation, but this couple pictured here, decided to listen on. At first, she was trying to get him to leave with the rest of the group, but then continued on with her significant other. In the end, the young man took information, a Gideon New Testament, and a lot to think about.

The End of a Glorious Season

As the temperature cooled down to a mild 49 degrees, we ended the outside evangelism event “season” for the year to focus on one-on-one conversations and discipleship ministry. When I asked Lisa what she thought of the night, she said, “This was the easiest outreach I ever done. People were so happy and willing to take anything we gave them. They liked talking to us.”

I agree, it was the easiest, most enjoyable outreach we have ever done. As I told my discipleship class last Wednesday night, “I invite you all to come and be a part of what I am doing to events like this because I am creating a safe and relational, family-friendly environment that everyone can take part in. But no one ever takes me up on it. You are really missing out.” Like I told Dr. Carter at Tulip Time, ‘Evangelism doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t need to feel like torture.’

We are so continually blessed by Stepping Stones Christian Bookstore for this partnership in getting the gospel and God’s Word into the hands of those who come to the store. As we were leaving, Lisa commented on how many cool things they were selling, and thought the book selection was amazing. Kind and helpful staff willing to assist you with anything you need. Stop in and see what they have this Christmas season. They are located at: 14 West Main Street, Marshalltown, Iowa 50158.

Hammond, Tom. What Time is Purple? And Other Intriguing Questions on the Road Trip to Truth. GPM, 2018.

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