Evangelism Doesn’t Have to Be…

Major W. Ian Thomas in his book, The Indwelling Life of Christ, says in the very first line: “To be entirely honest, I know nothing quite so boring as Christianity without Christ.”

As with being boring, there are so many other misconceptions about evangelism and sharing Jesus with the world. Evangelism…

Why do we focus on the downside of sharing our faith with someone we know or don’t know? Why do we continually think something bad will happen? How about we think about positive things that could.

And not to mention expanding the kingdom of God and gaining a brother or sister in the Lord. Imagine how cool would it be to be friends with someone for a long time and then they get saved and are just as crazy as you? How wild would that be? In the last line of Major W. Ian Thomas’ book, The Indwelling Life of Christ, it is written: “When you and I, in the discharge of our responsibility, share Jesus with others, we can have the hilarious expectation that something of timeless worth is happening, whether we fully see it or not. It makes the Christian life so incredibly exciting.”

If you are bored with Christianity, it’s obvious you are doing it wrong. It’s something you’re not believing; something you’re doing or not doing; or like Thomas believes, maybe it’s because you are not sharing Jesus with others. Don’t “play church.” Why not be the church and go share Jesus with someone today. Let me know if you need help in this area.

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